Welcome, I’m Dillon!

🎓 I’m a Assistant Professor at University of Maryland Baltimore County in the Department of Geography and Evnironmental Systems.

📝 To edit your own home page, edit the about.md.

What to Include on Your Homepage

The about.md home page is the landing page of your site and should have a number of important things on.

  • What is your degree (and background) in, what field, specializations, certificates, relevant courses?
  • What would you call yourself and what are your interests? Are you a field ecologists, a human geographer? Are you interested in cities, biodiversity, etc?
  • What are the most important relevant expereince to back the above up? Maybe provide a link to your CV?
  • What are some projects that connect to your interests and experience?

Don’t forget to use section headers (hashtags) to differentiate sections. So you might have a Selected Experience section in H2, then H3 sections for the above bullet points.

Another tip: in this video, Boris used emojis effectively in both the headings and in the text.