Lab 2 - tidycensus and RStudio

Lab 2 / Week 2

Analyzing US Census Data book cover

Notes for weeks 2 and 3.

RStudio Settings

Before continuing, ensure that you have these setting changed in RStudio.

Lab 2 Background Readings


What to turn-in

Please do the R work in R Quarto. Render your Qmd file (to a web page / HTML, this is the default). Then save or print the output to PDF and turn in only the PDF file(s).

Work through Chapters 1 through 4 of Analyzing US Census Data. Use an Qmd (Quarto) file to keep track of your progress.

At the beginning of the Qmd file, use Quarto formatting to answer these questions:

-   What worked well for you and what didn't work?
-   What do you see as the value in using RQaurto? 
-   Based on lab 2 so far, what things would you like to do?

Hint: Use PDFSam (or install it with Chocolatey) to merge multiple PDFs together. For example, create a layout in QGIS and export those maps to PDF. Then use PDFSam to merge those files.