Lab 3 - tidycensus and RStudio

Lab 3 / Week 3

Map of Africa

Slides for weeks 2 and 3.

RStudio Settings

Before continuing, ensure that you have these setting changed in RStudio.

Lab 3 Background Readings

  • See the readings from Lab 2.
  • See this for the weekly challenge. Please reproduce this with your own data, but don’t use special fonts and instead use data from tidycensus. See the in-class example that we improved here from here.
  • See Good enough practices in scientific computing. Wilson, Greg, Jennifer Bryan, Karen Cranston, Justin Kitzes, Lex Nederbragt, and Tracy K. Teal. 2017. “Good Enough Practices in Scientific Computing.” PLOS Computational Biology 13 (6): e1005510.
  • See Data Organization in Spreadsheets. Broman, Karl W., and Kara H. Woo. 2018. “Data Organization in Spreadsheets.” The American Statistician, April.

Lab 3 Assignment

Lab 03 Project

Lab 3 asks a number of questions of a dataset, and then asks you to create a map using data that you export out of RStudio. Create a visually pleasing map using the variable gapminder dataset (using either 2007 life expectancy or GDP per capita). Be sure to add your name, the assignment name, a legend with professional titles, a small and minimalist North arrow, and a scale bar.

Use your best judgement on projection, colors, etc. Install the plugin HCMQGIS to find a base map should you choose to use it (there are also other packages).


What to turn-in

See the instructions linked on the main page, but be sure to submit a single PDF.